Are you wondering how many days after your period is safe to avoid pregnancy? Knowing your safe “fertile window” when you ovulate can provide insight into the answer to this question. Ovulation is the release of an egg from the ovary for fertilization, and without proper contraception, it places a person at risk for unintended …
How Many Weeks Is A Pregnancy
Pregnancy is an exciting journey of approximately 40 long and unforgettable weeks of development. Every pregnancy is unique and the length of a pregnancy can vary from woman to woman. This is why it is important to understand how many weeks are in a normal, full-term pregnancy.A normal pregnancy usually lasts for about 40 weeks …
Is Diarrhea A Sign Of Pregnancy Implantation
Diarrhea is a very common health issue faced by many people. Women who are in the early stages of their pregnancy experience diarrhea as one of their most common symptoms. While not commonly known, diarrhea can also be a sign of implantation, the process of a fertilized egg becoming implanted into the uterus wall shortly …
What 2 Blood Types Are Not Compatible For Pregnancy
When it comes to pregnancy, blood type compatibility between the mother and the unborn baby can be a critical factor in ensuring the baby’s health. In particular, there are two blood types that are not compatible for a pregnancy — the ABO incompatibility and Rh incompatibility. Both of these incompatible types can cause severe complications …
Why Is Week 10 Of Pregnancy The Worst
Pregnancy is an incredible journey that helps bring a mother and her baby closer to each other. Week 10 of pregnancy is considered one of the most uncomfortable weeks for a woman because the physical symptoms and the anticipation of further development begin to take their toll. Changes in hormones, increased bladder pressure, and fatigue …
When Does Constipation Start In Pregnancy
Constipation is a common complaint among pregnant women. It can start in early pregnancy and last until the end, but typically worsens as the pregnancy continues. It may start as early as six weeks pregnant and usually peaks between weeks 16 to 24. Understanding why constipation occurs during pregnancy and how it can be treated …
How Early Do Pregnancy Symptoms Start
Pregnancy can be an exciting and overwhelming experience. Most expecting mothers wonder how soon they might start to experience symptoms related to the pregnancy. Therefore, many women naturally want to know – how early do pregnancy symptoms start? Although each mother-to-be will experience this differently, there a several signs and symptoms that can often begin …
When Does Nausea Start In Pregnancy
Nausea, or excessive feelings of queasiness, is often one of the first signs of pregnancy. It is also known popularly as morning sickness, although it can happen at any time during the day. Generally, nausea and other signs of pregnancy start to become noticeable soon after implantation (which can typically be between 6-12 days past …
When Does Pregnancy Nausea Start
Most women are aware that morning sickness is a common experience associated with pregnancy. But did you know that nausea can set in as early as two weeks after becoming pregnant? The effects of nausea will usually subside within 12 to 14 weeks, but in some cases, the symptoms can be more persistent and even …
When Does Heartburn Start In Pregnancy
Heartburn is a common problem encountered during pregnancy. It occurs when the acidic contents of the stomach flow back up (reflux) into the esophagus, causing irritation to its lining and producing a burning sensation in the chest or upper abdomen. It can start anytime during pregnancy and tends to worsen as the fetus grows, putting …
How Much Weight Do You Gain During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is an exciting and important milestone for women, but this sacrament event often comes with the changes in your body and weight gain. Although you will naturally need to gain some weight during pregnancy, it is important to be aware of how much weight you should put on – too much or too little …
Does Your Belly Grow With An Ectopic Pregnancy
An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy outside the womb, most commonly in the fallopian tube, and can unfortunately lead to increased mid-section growth known as a distended stomach. While an ectopic pregnancy can often be suspected based on abdominal enlargement, it is important to know the potential causes and complications of this serious medical condition.An …
Is Bloating A Sign Of Pregnancy
Bloating is a very common symptom experienced by many women both prior to, and during pregnancy. It can be one of the earliest signs of pregnancy and it may persist throughout the 9 months that you are expecting. Bloating occurs when the growing uterus presses against other organs, causing fluid retention and causing the stomach …
How Soon Can Pregnancy Be Detected
Pregnancy is a time of excitement, but also full of uncertainty for many potential parents. A common question is how soon can pregnancy be detected? This article discusses options for detecting a pregnancy as early as possible, as well as the accuracy of these tests and when best to take them. Through taking the correct …
How Many Weeks In A Pregnancy
Pregnancy is an exciting time filled with dramatic physical, emotional and psychological changes. But when it comes down to it, an anticipated pregnancy often comes down to one main idea: timing. So how many weeks are in a pregnancy? The answer is 40 weeks. Pregnancy can last anywhere from 37 to 42 weeks, but the …